History Walk - East State Street/The Upper East Hill
History Walk - East State Street/The Upper East Hill
September 2021: East State Street from Jefferson to Case and Euclid Avenue (40 pages, 5.5 x 8.5")
19 Jefferson – House moved and refaced in brick as offices
Old and current St. Joseph church, school. The story that St. Joe's was intended to be a cathedral for a new diocese
Goldberg Plaza at State and Jefferson
Farnicorn jewelry store
Bello’s Pizza/Ferd’s Nut Shop
South side of State St. from Woodrow to Stambaugh
McBride Funeral Home
811 Building
Watson’s garage
Never-built sites of Shenango Inn and State Theatre at State and Euclid
Former East Hill fire station
Hilltop Anchor Drug Store
Dr. Chas. Brennan mansion/office
McGonigle Ambulance maintenance garage/former gas station
Kloos service station
Deneen Dairy store and restaurant
House moved around corner onto Flowers Avenue
Bachman mansion
Kranz mansion
Brainard’s service station/Sharon Chrysler-Plymouth
Boyd mansion
Wiltsie mansion
Judge J.A. McLaughry house
Hugh Garvey/George Warren Jr. house
Drs. Lartz and Woods/attorney Bill Madden office
Huether twin houses
Fahnline mansion
Jefferson Avenue Elementary School
Newell’s Market
Color 1920 Sanborn Map Co map showing every structure in the tour area