The North Sharon History Walk Book Collection

The North Sharon History Walk Book Collection


Buy our North Sharon History Walk Book Collection and save! North Sharon became a distinct neighborhood of Sharon near the Sharpsville/Hermitage/Sharon border. In many ways it was self-sustaining with its own shops, recreation, housing, and industry.

North Sharon: Thornton Hall area (32 pages, 5.5 x 8.5")

North Sharon: Westinghouse & Thornton Street south to Meek Street (44 pages, 5.5 x 8.5")

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North Sharon: Thornton Hall area (32 pages, 5.5 x 8.5")
Former Thornton/McClintock elementary school served both Hickory and Sharon school districts, and Sharon's 1928 annexation of North Sharon Hickory Township land
The free Buhl Farm golf course (Dum Dum)
The former circus grounds at Bon Air Avenue and Thornton Street
Ristvey radio and electronics shop
North Sharon Volunteer Fire Co., the civic organization that never really fought a fire
Paul Krivosh Little League field
John Piccirilli Parking Area
Robert Price Recreation Area
Nurseryman Charles Heinz, the father of North Sharon and cousin of H.J. Heinz.
Early North Sharon landowners
Neighborhood architecture:
1247 Hall Ave.
1207 Hall Ave.
1327 Hall Ave.
1364 Hall Ave.
1365 Hall Ave.
1377 Hall Ave.
1395 Hall Ave.
Thornton Hollow, the streetcar viaduct buried beneath the roadway and how 350 feet of Hermitage keeps the city of Sharon and the borough of Sharpsville from ever touching
Dewey Park and the Deweyville neighborhood
Thornton Hall Bowling Lanes
Color 1957 Sanborn Map Co. fire-insurance map showing every structure in the tour area


North Sharon: Westinghouse & Thornton Street south to Meek Street (44 pages, 5.5 x 8.5")
Sharon annexes North Sharon from Hickory Township
Residential growth in Sharon's new territory
W.D. Gamble Elementary School/Salvation Army
The Catwalk path to school along the cemetery
Oakwood Cemetery
Sharpsville Avenue businesses, past and present: Billy’s Black & Gold, Bill’s Avenue Lottery, Petrosky’s Market/Randy Bar
Acres of blacktopped parking for Westinghouse Workers
The Carpo-Russ Club
Industry of the past
Sharpsville Avenue houses moved, yards cropped to widen the street
Stories on photos on Westinghouse: The before, the heyday, the future:
Driggs-Seabury Ordnance Co./Savage Arms
Working down at The Westinghouse
A million-square-foot redevelopment encompasses everything from steel galvanizing to an aquaponic farm raising lettuce and fish
Color 1957 Sanborn Map Co. fire-insurance map showing every structure in the tour area